Agiled Change Log

New feature
25 January 2023

Introducing Bulk Expenses 🚀

Agiled just got a whole lot cooler with the introduction of our new Bulk Expense Feature!

This feature is going to change the game when it comes to managing expenses.

Here's how you can access the feature:

  • Go to the expenses section
  • Click on Add Expense
  • Go to the Multiple tab
  • Add your expenses info
  • Click save. 

With this feature, you can add multiple expenses at once, making it easier for you to keep track of all your expenses.

It's perfect for when you have a lot of expenses to add at once or when you're in a rush.

24 January 2023

Invoicing Experience got a lot better 🥳

We are super excited to announce that we have updated our Invoices and Estimates creation experience to make it even easier for you to create and send invoices and estimates.

With this update, you no longer have to click on the "choose from products" button to select a product. We have completely removed it and will now automatically suggest products to you when you try to add a line item. 🚀

In addition to this, we have also made improvements to the user interface, removing extra buttons and clicks to make the experience even smoother for you.🛠️

We are constantly working on improving Agiled, and we hope this update will make your experience with invoices and estimates efficient and enjoyable.

New feature
17 January 2023

Introducing Form Cloning

We are super excited to announce another update to Agiled that will make creating new forms as easy as copying and pasting (but way cooler).

With this update, you can now clone forms with just a few clicks, making it easy to create new forms without starting from scratch 🚀

We've also added a Form Lock Feature, which ensures that your form becomes read-only once you've received a submission. This means that you can be sure that your forms are safe from accidental edits and loss of submissions. 

To clone a form, 

  1. Go to CRM > Forms.
  2. Click the 3 dots menu for the forms you want to clone and click Clone. 
  3. Your new form will be created instantly with “- Copy” appended to the title.

We hope these updates will make your Agiled experience smoother and more efficient. 

12 January 2023

Another Upgrade to Finance Section 🚀

With this update, you will now be able to assign invoices and estimates to specific sales agents. 

This will allow for more efficient tracking of sales and better management of financial operations. Each sales agent will only have access to invoices and estimates that are relevant to their specific sales efforts and assigned to them.

In addition, your team members can now create their own invoices and estimates, giving them more ownership and control over their sales. This will empower them to manage their sales more effectively, streamlining the entire process 🤩

Previously, in order to access invoices, team members had to have the "View Invoices" permission turned on, which granted them access to all invoices in the system. However, with this update, if the "View Invoices" and "View Estimates" permissions are turned off for a team member, they will only be able to view invoices and estimates that are assigned to them or that they are the owner of. If these permissions are turned on, they will have access to all invoices and estimates in the account. 

This new feature allows for more control over the financial aspect of your business, helping you keep track of your team's sales and financial operations.

You can assign the invoice or estimate to a sales agent from the settings panel on the right when creating/editing an invoice or estimate. 

10 January 2023

Improved Estimate Approval Process

Previously, when an estimate was accepted, the invoice would be shown to the client immediately for payment. We heard feedback from many of you that this caused confusion and was not the most efficient workflow for the estimate approval process.

We've listened to your concerns and made a change to give you more control over when invoices are shown to clients 🤩

When you create or edit an estimate, you will now find a new checkbox that allows you to choose whether you want to show the invoice to the client immediately or later. 

This will give you more flexibility and streamline the approval process 🎉

Also, when an invoice is generated from an estimate, all the information from the estimate, including your branding and theme color, will be synced to the invoice automatically.