Agiled Change Log

28 December 2022

Financial Docs Made Consistent

As of now, all three types of financial documents - invoices, estimates, and subscriptions - use the template chosen in the finance settings for PDFs and Public Views instead of the default template/view. This means that you can maintain consistent branding and presentation across all of your financial communications, which can help improve your business's professionalism and clarity.

Not only will this make it easier for your customers to understand and trust your business, but it will also simplify the process of managing your finances. 

No more worrying about conflicting branding - everything is streamlined and cohesive with this update. To check it out, 

  • Go to Finance > Estimates.
  • Click the 3 dots menu for any estimate.
  • Click View as Client.

You can do the same for Subscriptions.

22 December 2022

Currency Format Applied Everywhere

I am thrilled to announce a major improvement to Agiled that has been a long time coming: all amounts are now formatted based on your chosen currency or locale! Our team has worked hard to make this feature a reality, and we are excited to finally make it live today.

This means that if you are using USD, the amounts will be displayed in the standard USD format (e.g. $1,000.00). If you are using Euro, the amounts will be displayed in the standard Euro format (e.g., €1.000,00). This change applies to all View/PDFs in Agiled.

Please note that you will still need to use a simple numeric format without any symbols when inputting amounts. For example, if you are entering an amount of $1,000.00, you would enter 1000 rather than $1,000.00 or 1,000.00.

16 December 2022

Improved CRM Import 🥳

We have some fantastic news to share with you! We have just made a major improvement to the Contacts and Accounts Import feature that will make your life so much easier 🤩

From now on, you can assign contacts and accounts to sales agents using their email. No more searching for IDs using our API - just add the sales agent's email to the CSV and map it to the "Sales Agent Email" field. We'll take care of the rest and make sure the contact or account is assigned to the correct sales agent.

Importing your contacts and accounts is now a breeze. Simply follow these steps:

  1. To import contacts, go to CRM > Contacts. Click on the 3 dots menu in the top right corner and select "Import".

  2. Download the sample file and add your data. Follow the instructions on the screen to ensure your file is properly formatted.

  3. Once your file is ready for import, upload it and click "Next".

  4. Map the right columns, and you're done!

To import accounts, follow the same steps but go to CRM > Accounts instead.

All dates should be entered in standard US format (mm/dd/yyyy).

We hope this update will make your experience with Agiled even more efficient and user-friendly.

New feature
12 December 2022

Introducing Task Import Feature 🚀

It’s a game-changer if you have a lot of tasks to add to your account. Instead of manually adding each task individually, you can upload a CSV file with all your tasks, and they will be added to your Agiled account in bulk.

To use the Task Import feature, 

  1. Go to Productivity > Projects
  2. Select a Project.
  3. Go to Tasks Tab
  4. Click on the 3 dots menu in the top right corner and click Import Tasks. 
  5. Then follow the on-screen instructions to upload, map, and import your CSV file. Your tasks will be added in no time!

You can assign the imported tasks to your teammates directly. Just add their email to CSV under the "assignee_email" header and map it to the Assignee Email. You can also map the Status/Taskboard Column by adding the title of the Taskboard Column to CSV under the "status" header and mapping it to Status. 

Please note that orphan tasks cannot be imported. The Import Task option is available only under projects. 

07 December 2022

Navigation Changes

We recently have made some major changes to the Agiled's navigation.

You might be facing trouble finding items throughout Agiled, so we wanted to write this email to explain all the changes made.

Changes in Left Navigation:

1. Forms and Tickets have been moved under CRM.
2. Projects, Tasks, Timer Tracker, and Events are moved under Productivity.
3. Proposals and Contracts are moved under Documents.
4. Automate, Wikis, Announcements, Products, Files, Chat, and Reports are moved under Essentials.
5. Billing is moved to the dropdown in the top right corner under your Profile Pic/Avatar.
6. Settings are moved to the dropdown in the top right corner under your Profile Pic/Avatar.

Other Changes

1. Flows and Workflows can be accessed from Automations Page. (Essentials > Automate)
2. Custom Pages can be accessed from Wikis Page. (Essentials > Wikis)
3. Timesheet can be accessed from Time Tracker Page. (Productivity > Time Tracker)
4. Appointments and Appointments Types are renamed to Events and Event Types.
5. Events Calendar can be accessed from the Events Page. (Productivity > Events)
6. Taskboard and Task Calendar can be accessed from Tasks Page. (Productivity > Tasks)